VivoeX: Dropping the ‘Lite’ and Lighting Up Military Vehicle Software Development!

May 6, 2023 Press Release

We are excited to announce that we are renaming our C4ISR toolkit from Vivoe Lite to VivoeX. This updated edition offers a more complete solution for developing C4ISR applications implementing the Generic Vehicle Architecture (GVA). Our updated Software Development Kit (SDK) is available under open source licensing and now comes with additional features to support media streaming (with MediaX) and cross-platform HMI renderer for developing military vehicle software for multiple roles on a vehicle.

Our commercially supported edition, VivoeX Pro (out later this year), is designed to provide even more robust support for Land Data Model (LDM) services developed as part of the Land Open Combat Architecture (LOCA). With this edition, you’ll also get access to tooling and AI modules (with SituationX) for rapid development of in-vehicle and soldier-worn applications.

The renaming of our C4ISR toolkit from Vivoe Lite to VivoeX reflects the evolution of the tool’s capabilities, making it even more powerful and flexible than before. VivoeX Pro will offer a complete solution for developing C4ISR applications, including GVA support, media streaming with MediaX, cross-platform HMI renderer, and LDM services developed as part of LOCA.

We believe that open source licensing will help drive innovation and collaboration among developers in the military vehicle software space. The new features of VivoeX, along with the existing capabilities, will enable developers to create cutting-edge applications with ease.

“VivoeX Pro is our flagship product, designed to provide developers with the necessary tools and modules for rapid development of in-vehicle, autonomous and soldier-worn applications. The inclusion of Land Data Model (LDM) services developed as part of the Land Open Combat Architecture (LOCA) is a crucial aspect of VivoeX Pro. With these services, developers can create applications tailored for land-based operations, ensuring our military personnel have the right tools for their missions.” – Ross Newman, Founder of DefenceX.

Overall, we are excited about the new capabilities that VivoeX offers. The renaming of our toolkit reflects our commitment to continuously improving our software and supporting developers in the military vehicle software space. We believe that VivoeX will enable developers to create innovative and powerful C4ISR applications, providing military personnel with the tools they need to carry out their missions effectively.