
Support for mesh peer-to-peer, routed and brokered communication

Zenoh supports communication over any topology. You can leverage peer-to-peer when possible, routed communication to scale across the Internet, and client broker to integrate extremely constrained devices.

To support swarm robotics use cases, Zenoh allows client communication to be brokered by either peers or routers. In short the only constraint to the communication patters you adopt is your imagination!

Get Started: Visit Zetta Scales website to learn more about Zenoh and how it can transform your distributed data communication. Contact our sales team to request a demo and explore how Zehon can meet your specific application needs.

Stay Connected: Follow ZettaScale on Twitter and LinkedIn for the latest updates and insights into Zenoh and distributed system technologies.

DefenceX support the development of systems using CycloneDDS and Zenoh and can provide commercial support and training for distrbuted systems using Zetta Scales technologies. DefenceX is an authorised reseller of these technologies and has years of experiance working with these technologies in defence. Contact us for a demonstration or to find out more about how we can support your program.