DefenceX awarded Ignite spark funding

Mar 23, 2024 Hardware

We are excited to announce a groundbreaking development in the realm of defence technology: the GXA-1, a cutting-edge edge processor powered by Nvidia technology designed to run our ApexGuardian data logger application. Designed and manufactured right here in Queensland, the GXA-1 promises to revolutionize defence applications by enabling AI in even the harshest environments and will be sold as a stand alone solution as Commercial off the Shelf (COTS) solution for AI enablement.

At DefenceX, we are driven by a mission to leverage innovation for the greater good. Our team of dedicated professionals has worked tirelessly to create a platform that not only meets the rigorous demands of defence, autonomy, and mining but also showcases Queensland’s prowess in technological advancement.

The recent award of funding from Advance Queensland’s Ignite Spark Fund is a testament to the potential of the GXA-1. This grant will play a pivotal role in furthering our development efforts, allowing us to refine our solution and bring it to market faster than ever before.

With the GXA-1, defence applications will gain a powerful ally capable of processing vast amounts of data in real-time, empowering decision-makers with actionable insights even in the most challenging conditions. From border security to battlefield intelligence, the possibilities are limitless.

But our ambitions extend beyond defence alone. By enabling AI in harsh environments, we aim to catalyze innovation across industries, driving advancements in autonomous systems, resource extraction, and beyond. Queensland’s innovation ecosystem is primed for growth, and we are proud to be at the forefront of this exciting journey.

As we embark on this adventure, we invite you to join us every step of the way. Follow our progress as we push the boundaries of what’s possible with the GXA-1 and stay tuned for updates on our journey towards a safer, smarter future.

Together, let’s shape the future of technology and pave the way for a brighter tomorrow.